Forthcoming events

Decarbonising travel and transport in Brighton and Hove


Cllr Trevor Muten – Cabinet Member for Transport, Brighton and Hove City Council

Rosie Allen – Policy Analyst, Decarbonising Transport Programme, the Green Alliance


Simon Maxwell – Co-Chair, Climate:Change

Time and place:

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Hanover Room, Brighthelm Centre

18.15 – 19.45 (Tea and coffee from 18.00)


N.B. Admission by (free) ticket only. Register at

Past events

  • How to reduce the climate change impact of food in Brighton and Hove. This event was held on Thursday, 29 February 2024. The report is here.

  • A Local Green New Deal for Brighton and Hove. This event was held on 30 November 2023. A full report is here.

  • The Climate:Change Launch Event was held at the Brighton Centre on 25 September 2023. Read the full report here.